Driving Me Crazy

How many of you are married to computer people?  Luckily for me, I am.  It’s great when you are not a computer guru and need someone to help you with spread

Downsizing Project Plan

sheets and trouble shooting.  However, when you are already frazzled, the thought of a project timeline is the last thing you want to be doing.

He is developing the spreadsheet of all the tasks needed to be done and when we are going to complete them.  To take it one step further he puts a conditional cell (who knew of its existence).  For those like me who don’t know what that is – I will explain.  If the task is not completed on time the cell turns red as an alert to let you know you are behind.  Like I need a red cell to inform me the task has not been completed.

As I am trying to put items on Craigslist, he keeps pulling my attention back to the darn spreadsheet.  He just continues to spew questions of “When are we going to do this, when are we going to do that?”  I want to scream enough, “Let’s just take this one step at a time”.  I love to be organized but this was too much even for me.

There are so many tasks to be completed before we can put the house on the market.  So many that the printout he put on the refrigerator is so small

I can’t even read it.  If we can complete the list without a single red cell it would be a miracle.

Anyone care to take a bet?

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