An Amazing Journey

There is a silver lining, as they say.  As everyone now knows, downsizing has been a difficult time for me but I am now in full swing and selling off many items before we sell our home.  One of the more time consuming tasks has been scanning photo albums.  Each album brings me down memory lane and makes me realize what a charmed life I have led thus far.  Remembering my childhood, fondly, knowing I have the greatest parents in the world to right this very moment – I have no regrets and feel blessed.


Today’s album was of our wedding.  We will be married 36 years this October.  I look at those photos and remember how excited we were to begin our life together.

Right after our honeymoon, we took off to start our new life in Florida.  It was a great distance from New York and leaving everything and everyone familiar to me was a scary proposition.   Excitement and trepidation were emotions when my husband told me where we would be living.  In the years of our marriage, I have to say my husband has brought me on many great adventures I would never have done on my own.

Once again, as we prepare for our epic adventure, the same emotions are surfacing.  Once again, knowing he will be by my side as we traverse this great country of ours , those emotions will dwindle and I will look back at those years and thank him for another wonderful journey.

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