Moments Are Remembered

I believe moments are what we remember most in our life.  Just like the mom who carries a child for nine months, those months are soon forgotten once she holds the child in her arms. Among the craziness of getting the house ready to sell, this weekend had some special moments for us.

david's award

Friday night we were invited to attend an awards ceremony.  My son received the 2018 New Nurse of the Year Award.  We couldn’t have been more proud of him.  Throughout the night, people were congratulating us and telling us what a great job he does and how much they enjoy him as a person.  Heading home my husband and I were grateful to have him in our lives and to know we did our job as parents to raise someone who became a responsible adult and a contributing member of society.


Saturday night, we were invited to the home of my husband old boss who wanted to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company he started.  How wonderful for my husband who worked for a man who appreciated the contributions of his employees and crediting them for his success.  This man is one who has my utmost respect.

What made the evening even more special was connecting with people from years ago.  Did you ever know a person who you were close and hadn’t seen in a long time but when your paths crossed, the two of you just started like you never missed a beat and the years you were apart just melted away?  Last night, was one of those times and made the evening that much more special.

To wrap up this weekend, I am having my entire family over for dinner to celebrate my son’s achievement and my nephew’s birthday.  All the boxes and clutter surrounding us are unimportant because life is made up by these wonderful moments and they need to be cherished.

Remember the moments in your life and worry about the other stuff later.

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