It’s Only Paper

TulipsI have never been one to put great emphasis on material items.  My husband is pretty lucky in that respect.  I don’t ask for jewelry or clothes.  My thing was just a card or an experience.  I value those more than anything else because you can’t take material possessions with you but memories will always be there.

Today is Mother’s Day and I probably should have picked a better day to do this but the filing cabinets were next on the chore list.  I literally have saved every card my husband and children have given me.  They are as precious to me as diamonds.  Knowing I had to pretty much get rid of all of them left me with a pit in my stomach.  I have read each card again and looked at the homemade cards from my kids and taken so many pictures to preserve the memory.

Since I knew this day was coming, I instructed my children to NOT send me a card or gift since I cannot take it with me and to call me instead or share the day with me.  Hallmark will not be happy with me.

What I realized going through the many folders of cards for birthdays, holidays and “just because” is that I am loved by family.  Knowing that, I am able to say good-bye to the cards because it’s just paper and unconditional love from my family is more than enough.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s out there.

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