Nix the Paper Plates

dining roomThere is something to be said for convenience; however, paper plates don’t exude the feeling of a special event.   As I sell items on Craigslist, eBay and other media, I notice a trend.  One can find beautiful once expensive china, crystal and flatware for dirt cheap.

It seems the new generation doesn’t see a need to own these items.  Baby boomers want to pass down their heirlooms but the children are politely passing them up.  Is it because the traditional Sunday dinners are now substituted for soccer or baseball practice or is family spread across the USA that huge family gatherings  are far and few between.

My mother in law recently downsized her home.  She said it killed her to sell her beautiful dining room for pennies since none of her four children wanted it.  Several months later, she was invited to a party in her old neighborhood.  The young couple who purchased her home invited her in.  Her home was transformed with ultra modern décor and in her former dining room was a pool table.   She said her heart sank as the couple told her they only eat their meals in the kitchen.

When it comes right down to it family time is important no matter where it is spent. For me, coming from a large family where meals were events and on holidays the specialties were triple fold hold fond memories   I relish large family gatherings where I use my beautiful table cloth, china and lighting candles to add the finishing touch.

My hope is someday my children, nieces and nephews get together and reminisce about the wonderful time they had coming to my home and searching for their calligraphy names indicating where they were to sit.  The legacy I want to pass to those I love is to know they were so special that the time and effort put forth in having those dinners were well worth it.

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