The Next Step

Joy’s JOY of Wine
We are almost there. Three more big projects before our house will be available on the market. Two of them are being taken care of this weekend. The third one will be done by next week. Like any big event in life, documentation is warranted. The house will be ready for its photoshoot and show off all its glory.
The next step becomes a little harder for us. Unlike others who travel in an RV, our adventure won’t start for a while. The search begins for a place to park our rig until we can actually retire. There aren’t many options available as there are maybe five places close to our work and can accommodate the size of our fifth wheel.
We checked out one place but the sites were small. It would be okay if we were to stay put for a while but we still intend to camp at least once a month and getting in and out would be a hassle. So the search continues. What would be ideal is to find someone who lives in an unincorporated area with some acreage. If they had a 50 amp hook up and sewer connection – we would be set. We would be the ideal tenants. So I am throwing it out to the universe and see if it answers us back. Doesn’t the saying go, “Ask and you shall receive”?
We are asking and will let you know if and when there is an answer.
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