Celebrate Life

birthday candlesThis weekend we celebrated my dad’s 81st birthday.  How blessed am I to have him still in my life. It is interesting how people view getting older.  Some feel it is a negative event as each year marks another year of getting older, more aches and pains and the yearning to regain their long gone youth.  Yes, those are reactions that come with the territory but there is also another side to be viewed.

The half full people, like my Dad, revere it as a privilege.  There is something to be said for being able to see your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and be able to spend time with them.  If you are healthy, not in pain, have a good quality of life and can blow out the candles on a cake to celebrate your 81st birthday consider yourself a winner of the lottery.

My son is a nurse in the cardiac ICU.  He often tells us about his patients and it always makes me sad when I hear of a person that has yet to fully live their life. None of us know how long we have on this earth.  It is up to each of us to make a conscious decision as to how we want to live it.  My choice is to be grateful for each year given to me to spend with those I love.

Will you take the path of celebration or grumble and be thankless for the year you have been given?  The choice is yours.

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