Reality Sets In

realtor sign

Originally, we were going to sell our house ourselves.  We put a couple of feelers out on Craigslist and didn’t generate any worthwhile leads.  Living on a cul de sac doesn’t provide an opportunity for a lot of flow through traffic.  My mom sold both her houses just by putting a sign out on her front lawn but we didn’t think that would really work for us.  We decided to interview some realtors to get a feel for what the marketplace was like.

We decided if we wanted to do a good job of selling it ourselves we would have to look into hiring a media expert to use social media to our benefit.  When looking at the amount of time we would have to invest to search for one, we realized neither one of us had the time to invest which would delay putting the house on the market.

One realtor we interviewed uses a social media person to market to other states, which is the route we wanted to take.  While I am not thrilled about the commission we have to pay, there comes a point when you have to say we have to turn it over to the people who do this for a profession, sit back and pray for the best.

We will be signing the realtor agreement this week.  We are now at the point of no return.

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