Not Just Our Emotions

The house has been on the market for a week.  We have been so focused on getting to this point that we haven’t really considered how this decision may affect those around us.  In a recent conversation with a friend, he asked us, “What do the kids think or what does your mom and dad say about this?”

Our son loves this house and didn’t want us to sell it.  If he were in a position to buy it, he would.  He is the emotional one who doesn’t like to get rid of things and took many items while we were cleaning house.   Even though he wishes we would keep the house he has told us to go and enjoy our lives.  Being a nurse in the cardiac ICU he sees on a daily basis the short lived lives of his patients and wants us to enjoy ourselves while we both are physically fit to do so.

My daughter on the other hand, is much more practical.  She understands the reason why we are selling.  Presently, her biggest concern is where we are going to spend Christmas if they house sells before then.  It might just be in our 5th wheel.

My parents haven’t really said much.  I am sure they think about it but don’t want to rain on our parade. My dad is 81 and in good physical shape and he is supporting our decision because his motto is – We don’t know what life holds for us, so enjoy every minute.  My sister’s favorite saying to this is – Life is not a dress rehearsal.

This will be new unexplored territory for us.  While I will miss being in close proximity to those I love I am grateful for the modern world we now live.  Cell phones will keep us in touch and no matter where we are in the United States; we are only a plane ride away.

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