Almost There

Here is a house update.  We received an offer seven days after we put it on the market.  Oh no – reality has hit.  The house is under contract pending inspection, appraisal and loan approval.  The date set to be out of the house is the end of October.  That part gave me a pit in my stomach for many reasons.  I started to calculate all the outstanding items needing to be done before we could meet that deadline.  The other disappointment was my daughter was coming to visit for her birthday which is two weeks later.  So she not only misses the opportunity to have one last dinner in our home but she has since informed me she doesn’t want to stay in our RV.

The race was on to find a place to park our rig.  We had no idea of the difficulty in securing a place.  We called over a dozen places only to be told space was available only until November then they were booked solid.  It seems all the snowbirds come down for the winter and each time they head back North they leave a deposit so they can come back year after year.  My sister has offered her home until we can find a place.

The inspection found an issue so I guess it’s back to the negotiating table.  We are looking forward to a resolution and moving forward.  One step in front of the other until you get to where you are going. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get there.

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