An Unwelcomed Echo

empty houseI haven’t posted in a while but the last couple of weeks have been very stressful, to say the least.  As our closing date was approaching fast we had a few major obstacles to overcome or as my husband choose to say “opportunities”.

The HOA of our neighborhood sent a letter telling us we had to remove a shed that had been approved 19 years ago.  After discussions with lawyers and emails sent back and forth, it was decided a shed technically is a detached building. Since ours was physically attached to the room addition we had built it was decided our “storage room” would be allowed and grandfathered for the future residents of the home.

Mitch and I continue to pack, sort, throw away, and donate.  The two biggest items were the pool table and a custom built wall unit.  In the zero hours, we gave away a beautiful slate pool table and the wall unit that cost $5k was sold along with a 65 inch TV and a complete stereo system for $600.  I have come to the conclusion; I never want to do this again.

The last surprise was four days before the moving company was supposed to come and box up our items for storage, they backed out because they wanted to pursue more lucrative business in the panhandle after Hurricane Michael.  So frantically, we searched for another company to replace them and thankfully one was found.

We were in the house till 9:00 pm the night before closing just throwing stuff in boxes to have the house completely empty for the final walk through the next day.  As we went around the house for one final check of the house which had been our home for 28 years, it was stark, empty and produced a loud echo as if no one had ever lived there.

Even though it was an unwelcomed echo, I stood in the middle of my home thanking this house for the beautiful memories created within its walls.

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