Adjustments still being made

We are now in our fifth wheel full time and it’s strange to be here.  Normally, we are escaping for a long weekend in our RV to some park but it’s now it’s called home.  Boxes are being unpacked and strategic placement is key.  There is no room for non-essentials in our 430 sq ft home.

I am blessed to have my brother in law and sister allow us to house our boxes in their garage as we continue to figure out if we want to keep, sell or donate.  The shackles of a time constraint have been lifted and the stress has subsided.  There now seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.

The benefits of living in a much smaller space are slowly being seen.  Cleaning time is dramatically reduced.  I actually get to see my husband on a Saturday.  Usually, he is outside mowing, edging, maintaining the pool and trimming the considerable foliage surrounding the house.  Each Monday, we imagine the groans the garbage men must emit as they turn the corner and see five full cans of trimmings.  Another plus, I am actually sleeping better.  With no skylights above the bed, the room is dark and I have been getting more than 5 hours of sleep. Amen.

On the negative side, from one end of the RV to the other takes about 15 steps.  There isn’t an alternative when my husband starts to snore.  The biggest downside for me is there isn’t any room to store my crafts.  I have to keep all of those materials at my sister’s house.  The silver lining to that is now I get to craft with my niece and spend more time with sister and her family.

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