Christmas Heart

garlandThis is our first Christmas in our 5th wheel.  From my husband’s perspective, it’s great!  No stringing lights on the eaves with a ladder. Multiple trips up to the attic to retrieve my many boxes and bags of Christmas decoration are non-existent and best of all no drill sergeant commands to vacuum, mop and get ready for company.

From my perspective, no Christmas tree to watch each night as the lights twinkle.  No crackling fireplace or stockings hanging from the mantel.  Multiple trips to the grocery store getting ready for Christmas dinner are a thing of the past.  For some, this may seem like a dream come true.  For me, it leaves me yearning for my house.  Going to NYC during Christmas lifted my spirits but I couldn’t take any of it home with me.

My husband knowing how much I adore this season put the holiday spirit in our 5th wheel.  Not having space for even a mini tree, he was creative in putting lit garland along the top of one of our slides.  It looks absolutely beautiful and at night the lights twinkle.  This fills my heart with happiness.  Sometimes it’s the little things that bring the greatest joy. I know Christmas is where the heart is and my heart is where my family is.  I have both my children, my husband and the majority of my family for Christmas and that still makes Christmas a special time of the year.

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