Young in Spirit

barbraThere are certain milestones that remind you of your age.  In my mind and vitality, I still feel like I am in my twenties even though my physical appearance gives me away.  Children are the biggest reminders of grower older.  I am five feet and when my kids were growing up they used me as their benchmark.  The smile on their faces when they could say they are taller than mom was priceless.  Today, both my children tower over me.  It’s now my niece and nephews turn to use me as their yardstick.  My nephew has way surpassed me in height.  I actually have to stand on my toes to kiss him on the cheek.

Another clue is remembering a way of life as you were growing up.  When we were in New York, we were surprised at some of the items that were being sold.  It was like a throwback to the past.  There on display was a record player, dial radio, and a Polaroid camera.  I was waiting to see a phone with a rotary dial.  We enjoyed going down memory lane but was more surprised when the sales clerk said they are making a comeback.  Really????  Hard to believe the generation of today will take out a record player instead of just hitting a button on their phone that gives them access to any artist’s songs.

The real ah-ha moment came last week.  My co-worker who is 23 asked me who my favorite singer was. My reply was Barbra Streisand.  She had a perplexed look on her face when she said, “Who is that?.”  Talk about a bursting a bubble.  I guess time does march on.

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