Exploring Nashville- not really

The ride to Nashville was picturesque with its big beautiful trees lining the highway.  As the road meandered through the mountain with its jagged rock formations around us, it made our 350 truck feel very small.  Our visit was for five nights and it rained for three of them, which didn’t leave much room for exploration.

Our first venture was to see the replica of the Parthenon in Cumberland Park.  Upon our arrival, signs indicated it was closed due to renovations.  The next stop was the Gaylord Hotel (Opryland).  I was looking forward to this visit based on my daughter’s recommendation to get a drink and sit and watch the water fountain show.  As we pulled up, the barricaded entrance stated this facility is closed until further notice due to COVID 19.  Needless to say, disappointment was starting to set in.  Next, we went to Broadway, the main drag downtown Nashville. The street is filled with honky-tonk bars and country music.   The sidewalks and the bars were filled with people. They were not practicing social distancing or even wearing protective masks.  The decision was made to stay in the truck and cruise down the street.  Further down Broadway, we passed an art museum and entertained visiting it for a fleeting moment until – you guessed it – closed.

However, on the way back, we found the Greenway trail. We decided to take a hike, which was a peaceful and invigorating way to end the day. We don’t know what other venues will be closed going forward but, hey – it’s all part of the adventure.

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