Looking Back
What have we learned in the six months of traveling? We learned to enjoy the time spent with each other. Hiking up a mountain, surrounded by spectacular sights, one can’t help but appreciate one’s company. Reaching the apex is rewarding, but eating lunch overlooking the valley’s expanse below with the one you love is priceless. In those moments, you realize what is most important in our life journey.
We learned to relish the quiet moments. Typically, we aren’t idle people. We usually are on the go, knocking off tasks on our to-do list or thinking about what to do next. There is something to be said to sit quietly. In those moments, one can hear the flapping of the bird’s wings or the soft breeze as it passes across your face. It is incredible the beautiful sounds that surround us. My favorite is the streaming of water as it flows over the rocks.
We learned to adapt. There is uncertainty in traveling around the countryside. We had planned on following the 70’ weather throughout our trip, the unexpected, waking up to snow. You realize how different each state and town are. As a Boar Head cold-cut snob, I felt disappointed when I realized it is not offered throughout the United States. The conveniences I once enjoyed are gone. Laundry is done if and when we find a laundry mat. It’s not done at my leisure anymore. While none of these items are paramount, it reminds us of the everyday things we take for granted.
We learned this country has such unsought beauty. There were so many wow moments for us and so many more in the future. The vistas and places we visited were beyond our expectations. These sights only fueled our desire to seek them all out. Gratefully, our National Park system protects our country’s beauty for all to enjoy. We have made it a goal to visit all 62 parks Congress deemed most important out of the 423 parks available.
We learned to be grateful. During this pandemic, many people reflected on the many gifts they have. Mitch and I were thankful for our health to go on this journey and our family who has supported us. Our outlook is to enjoy and give thanks to the miracle of each new day.
We look forward to the upcoming adventures and sharing them with all of you.