On the road again

We are heading out to capture another round of breathtaking experiences. Our big rocks, as Mitch calls them, will be Mt. Rushmore, Glacier National Park, and the Oregon/California coast. The route is planned and we are ready to hit the road.  The sad part is leaving our family members.  Yes, Mom, we are still going.  Our time in Florida was memorable.  Family is our number one priority and being able to see them face to face rather than in facetime was the best.

Mitch and I spent the Florida time at my son’s house.  Unless, you are a grandparent, you cannot understand the joy a grandchild brings to one’s life.  Our grandson is 18 months old and his smile is heart melting.  Every day we were blessed with seeing him and my son.  Watching the interaction between father and son was priceless.  For me, the number one sound in the world is the laughter of children.  The last few months have had much laughter and I treasured it each and every time he giggled or belly laughed.  At least now, he will know who grandma and poppy are when we facetime on the phone. Having grandchildren is a gift allowing us to relive a child’s experiences since our own children’s younger years flew by in a blink of an eye.

We hope you follow us as we venture across the US once again.  We look forward to sharing the adventure and if you want to say hi or want to comment, please do.  Be safe everyone.

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