Savannas Recreation Area – Ft. Pierce, Florida

We visited this campground two years ago and found ourselves returning to the peaceful environment it offers. Our site backed up along a water canal. After setting up the rig, we were greeted by the sight of a gator quietly gliding back on forth in the water. I am beginning to think we are gator magnets. If you want to read more about the campground, you can visit our archive. Simply, it is a great area to observe wildlife, enjoy a natural environment where one can relax, bike, kayak, and walk among the trails listening to the bird melodies.
Mitch’s sister lives about 30 minutes from here in Jensen Beach. It was great to visit with family, especially when his brother decided to fly from NY and make it a family reunion. Time with family is always a precious commodity. We shared laughs, meals, and stories. We also visited the National Navy SEAL Museum. After visiting the museum, it was suggested we visit a nearby jetty. Anything having to do with water seems to pique the Scott’s family interest. Upon arrival, the athletic antics of a few kiteboarders were fascinating to watch, but you would never find me on one.
One of the activities Mitch and I enjoy is leisurely strolling farmer markets and craft shows. Those were nonexistent during last year’s travels due to COVID. We were rewarded this past weekend with a two-in-one. Both were going on the same day we decided to visit Stuart’s downtown. Being a crafter myself, I appreciate the creativity of artists. At one time, I also participated in art shows. I understand the time it takes to create the art, display your creations, and the courage to hear critiques of your work. The farmer’s market offered a variety of produce and other unique products. We walked away with two different types of fresh mushrooms picked that morning, fish dip and a gorgeous leafy green head of farmed raised lettuce.
The King Neptune restaurant was where we enjoyed a freshly caught grilled mahi-mahi dinner on a local’s recommendation. The restaurant was cozy and couldn’t accommodate a lot of people, but the meal was delicious. We couldn’t have had a better visit to this area. A waterfront campsite, unique shopping, and family visits made this weekend a home run in our book.
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