Ortona Lock Campground – Moore Haven, Florida

We have discovered a new type of campsite created by the Corp of Engineers.  These sites are usually by water, which we love to camp by, and are half price because Mitch has the lifetime national senior pass. For us, we favor these sites over private RV parks.  They are roomier, quieter, and offer more of a natural environment.  This particular campground had water locks which were quite interesting to watch as the boats were navigating through the locks for passage.

I married an adventurer.  By nature, I am not.  I play it safe, and I follow the rules.  I think it has something to do with being the firstborn.  I sometimes find myself outside my comfort zone, but most of the time, when it’s over, I am glad we did it.  For example, we went kayaking on the Caloosahatchee River. Say that three times fast.  I can’t pronounce it once.  Mitch was hell-bent on going down the Bedman Creek due to some review he read.  Initially, we went down the wrong creek.  We went right instead of left, and there was a good reason.  The left side had a fallen tree and a massive area of water lily leaves blocking passage.  When the GPS said we needed to go left, my adventurer decided we were going left- regardless. Going over the fallen tree was not an option. Water lilies here, we go.  For those who have never tried to do this, it is an arduous task.  I would have said, “Let’s turn back,” but he was determined to get through to the other side.  Determination paid off, and away we went.  It was a pleasant and quiet kayak ride down the creek as we were the only ones on the water.  When the waterway narrowed and, the water became stagnant,  it was time to turn around and head back.  Yes, we had to go through the water lilies again.

As we start our travel out west, we never know what each stop will bring.  It could be a bust or one for the memory books.  Either way, I am glad I am on this journey with my adventurer.  Sometimes, it is a good thing to go beyond your comfort zone. 

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