Campsite reviews

Whitten Park- Fulton, Mississippi

Another beautiful spot overlooking the water awaited as we backed our RV into the designated site.  These views are spoiling me.  We arrived on Friday at a packed campground. Carefree children were playing on bikes and scooters as they chase their friends and laughing the entire time.  Adults were grouped around campfires enjoying conversation with each other.  It was like the pandemic never happened.  We met some folks who were curious about full-time RV living.  The funny part was they commented on my New York accent, and I had to laugh because they had the southern drawl and told them they were the ones with the accent.

We were able to get in one bike ride which led us down to the Fulton Locks. I love it when the areas we visit have dedicated bike trails. There is no need to worry about cars coming around a corner or narrow shoulders to ride on. Those are the rides you just keep pedaling and enjoy the view. Sunday afternoon, we needed to run an errand. Upon our return, we were the only ones in the entire loop.  The weekend warriors had left, and the solidarity was terrific.  There wasn’t much to explore in this area, but we took advantage of the water view, strolling through the wooded areas and enjoying a glass of wine in the gazebo.  The songbirds were plentiful, and with no one else around, their tunes were loud and clear.  Mother nature is breathtaking.  One has to take the time to let everything go and immerse themselves in the moment.  I always have my camera on me because I never know when something picture-worthy will appear.  It’s the little things such as ladybugs, flowers, the light shining through the trees, or the greenery on the ground that I now see in a new light.  Mitch and I love to sit and listen to the wind as it passes through the trees and watch the trees sway.  Since leaving Florida, we have had a lot of rain, but even rain has a unique appeal when sitting under the awning with your honey just watching the huge drops splay on the ground.  Our wish is to bring some of these special moments to you as you view the video.

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