Waterfall Wonder

What is it about water that is intriguing? Whether it be a serene lake, endless oceans, babbling brooks, or an aqua-blue sea, all seem to calm the inner spirit. They can also be powerful and invoke a sense of wonder. Waterfalls are just that, with their mighty roar signaling a message of dominance. They rush and push with a mighty force through the rocks as they reach the destination below. Once there, it’s as if their strength has waned, and now it is time to rest and leisurely glide the rest of the way.

I never get tired of watching waterfalls cascading down. Some are colossal, like Niagara Falls, while others are modest in their journey. Either way, I look forward to seeing more this year.

Email: movebeyondordinary@gmail.com    Instagram: movebeyondordinary and Youtube

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