Black Hills – Custer, S.Dakota (Part 2)

Our morning started with a tour to the Wind Cave National Park. Here there are acres of prairie grasses, swaying ponderosa pines and glimpses of the wildlife inhabiting this area. Beneath this vast land, lies a cave system which was discovered by Alvin McDonald. In 1881, this seventeen year old explored the passageways carrying a candle and a ball of string which aided him to find his way back home. He kept a journal of his discoveries, and began offering tours to others to eek out a living for his family. This cave was different from others we have visited. There were no stalagmites or stalactites, but a unique woven, lace-like texture called Boxwork. It became a National Park in 1903.

After our tour, we headed to Hot Springs where we a delicious meal at before our first adventure visiting a natural hotspring. Moccasin Springs National Mineral Spa was designed around the hot springs. The outdoor pools range from 88′ to 102′. They offer massages and lunch and dinner options are available in the restaurant. I really enjoyed luxuriating in the warm water with my honey. Its an experience I would do again.

That feeling was short lived as Mitch wanted to hike Little Devils Tower upon our return to Custer. This hike lived up to its name. A three mile hike starts out pretty easy as it gains elevation as the hike climbs towards the top. Then you are faced with the devil himself as the rest of the climb is over uneven terrain and rocky as hell (excuse the pun). I felt like Tom Cruise in one of his movies where he scales the rock to get to the enemy fortress. Admiring the the view from the top was priceless, however, the images of scaling down the rocks was at the forefront of my thoughts. We made it back safely and suffice it to say, it was an early night.’

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