Axel COE Campground

It is another great campground. I love camping at those campgrounds created by the Corp. of Engineers. Thank you for creating dams and the most beautiful campgrounds scattered along the lakeside. We love watching the sunset over the water.

Mammoth Cave – Historic Tour

To get to the National Park, we had to drive 55 minutes. GPS took us in a direction that led to a road being closed. Panic set in since we had timed reservations. A quick call and the operator directed us correctly and said we shouldn’t have used the GPS to get there. We made it on time to take a two-hour tour. Touring the cave, we had to pass through Fat Man’s misery as the passageway was narrow. The next hurdle was Tall Man’s Agony. I stand 5 feet tall; you can imagine this passage’s height if I have to crouch down. The park has several tours with varying difficulty, but the ride was too long to return for more tours.

Jeffrey Cliffs Hike

The massive cliffs were awe-inspiring. You can see the magnitude of these cliffs when Mitch stands in the middle of one. When we began to ascend the stairs to the top of the cliff, we met a woman native to the area. When she was younger, there were no stairs, just a rope where you had to pull yourself up to the top. Thank goodness the stairs were built, or Mitch would be climbing alone.

We ended the day with a glowing fire as the nights were getting a bit more chilly. That is a good sign, as I may get to enjoy the changing of the leaves.

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