The Journey Begins

There are times when you evaluate where you are in life and where you want to go.  This is one of those times for us.  We have been weekend warriors for several years now and we love every minute of it.  We starting thinking wouldn’t it be great to do this full-time and see the wonders of the United States and beyond.  Up to now, we have been the ordinary nine to fivers, living on auto pilot and getting trapped in the proverbial rat race.

We have been bingeing on You Tube videos and Facebook post by others living our dream.  Each vlog and post provides us education but drives the point home that NOW is the time for action.  The decided action was we need to sell the house.  A very scary proposition for me but brings elation to my husband.

Let me explain because somewhere down the road you may have the same exact trepidation I am currently feeling.  We live in a beautiful 3,800 sq ft home we had totally renovated over the years to make it our perfect dream home.  Our family has had many happy memories here and I always thought I would see my grandchildren running around our home and creating even more memories.  Now on the other hand, my husband is tired of yard work, maintaining the house and is ready to leave everything behind.

The rational side of me agrees it is too much house to maintain once we travel but the emotional side is really having a difficult time accepting it.  I put him off for a while but in life there are no guarantees and you have to seize the moments while you can and are in good health.  So, as I am writing this we have started the downsizing process and it makes me ill.  Deciding what to sell and what to store for when we finally settle down.  The ultimate goal is to find a house on a lake! Upon selling our home, the plan is to move into the 5th wheel until we retire and begin our search for our Golden Pond. 

Join us as we move beyond the ordinary!

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