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    Never Say Never

    boxesI never wanted to go back to the house I just sold.  I wanted to remember it the way I left it.  Even when my daughter came to visit and she wanted to show her boyfriend where she was brought up I just gave her the car keys and said we would meet up later.

    Unfortunately, we thought we had notified all entities that would need to be informed of our forwarding address.  Not an easy task if anyone has moved.  Thankfully, the USPS forwards mail for sixty days so we could see who was missed.  The other evening we needed to purchase an item and my husband wanted to use Paypal.  As soon as he hit the button, he realized he never changed our address.  We couldn’t contact the seller.  We contacted Amazon and they said they would contact the seller with the new address.  You guessed it!  Delivery was sent to our old home.

    The dilemma was upon me.  Oh well, suck it up and get the package.  Pulled up to the driveway and knocked on the door.  Through the window, I could see the white tile was replaced by a dark wood floor.  The door opened as the new owner was holding her newborn as I explained who I was and why I was there.  The walls were now wearing a white color and the money spent on having it painted was for naught.

    As I grabbed the package, I could see all the toys on the floor and the furniture was sparse.  I thanked her and as I drove down the driveway it reminded me of when we first moved into the house, six months pregnant and a child under 2.  It took us years to get it the way we wanted and I know they will have many years to make it into their home and someday they may sell it and have to say goodbye.