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    Stormy Weather

    lightingI have never been a fan of storms.  The thunder makes my skin crawl and I start to pray for it to end.  I marvel at those who think storms are the neatest weather conditions.  I guess it’s kind of like those who love scary movies and those that don’t.  Guess which side I am on?

    Lately, we have had a couple of really good storms.  The worst part of being in a fifth wheel is raindrops are magnified and you start to think you have rocks falling on your roof.  Storms that are accompanied by wind provide a double whammy.  The trailer starts to rock back and forth wherein a stick and brick house perhaps the windows may move just slightly.

    The last two storms, Mitchell has been away on business and I was alone.  The first time the storm came it was two o’clock in the morning when I was awakened by the sound of thunder and the pelting of rain on the roof.  I got out of bed and went to the couch and was deciding what to do next as the trailer began to move with each gust of wind.  Do I stay, do I go to the car or should I go to my mom’s?  I felt like a child cowering in the corner.  I decided I would stay and ride it out.

    I guess I need to get used to this as for when we start to travel and we won’t always be having perfect weather.  However, if there is the slightest hint of tornados, hurricanes, or sandstorms, I am the hell out of dodge.