• Campsite reviews

    Gunter Hill COE Campground, Montgomery, Alabama

    This campsite is one of the most beautiful and tranquil sites we have visited. It is right on the Alabama River, surrounded by a variety of different trees.  When looking for my Golden Pond, this is the view I seek. We have spent many hours sitting, enjoying the view, listening to the birds, and sipping our wine.  Who could ask for anything more?  Isn’t that a verse in a song?  It seems sudden storms are following us on our trip so far. There were severe thunderstorms and a tornado watch one night.  The wind kicked up so fast, and our awnings were still out.  All campers know this is a disaster waiting to happen.  Mitch kicked into high gear as he struggled to retract the awnings.  Pelting rain drenched him, and the canopy kept going up like a kite taking off.  Finally, his efforts paid off, and the rest of the evening, we listened to the rain as it landed on the roof.

    What do they say about the best laid out plans?  We had a complete itinerary for Saturday to explore Montgomery.  Two festivals, two farmer’s markets, a trip to the riverfront, and kayaking on the river upon our return.  Excited to get our day started, we left around 6:30 am since the first market opened at 7:00 am.  Long story short, due to incorrect website information, we ended up riding around the riverfront and were able to visit one farmer’s market. No biggie, as we were eager to take our kayak ride.  Upon inflating the kayak, there is a hissing snake sound.  Yep, it’s a hole.  Mitch patched the spot, and it needs twelve hours to cure.  The universe told us to chill, have a glass of wine and enjoy the astonishing view, and we did exactly that.

    As a side note, the farmers market we did visit had the most magnificent peacock.  It perched itself on a pole near the entrance.  Its colorful plume cascaded down and reminded me of a  brides’ train.  The peacock just posed for the cameras and didn’t move.  It was as if he knew his grandeur and was proud to have everyone take his picture.

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